32 research outputs found


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    Combining baseline data of remote sensing systems active and passive has many advantages in monitoring coastal inundation dynamically. It has advanced the surface water information gaps in coastal areas, especially areas covered by clouds and shadows. The main objective of this study was to assess the dynamics of coastal inundation in Jakarta based on multi-temporal data optics of Landsat 8 and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Sentinel 1A. The method of this research used two water index algorithms. They are Modified Normalized Difference Water Index (MNDWI) and Dynamic Surface Water Extent (DSWE) based on spectral reflectance values and empirical formulas. The other method is using the coefficient backscattering of water from a single polarization of Vertical Verticals (VV) and Vertical Horizontal (VH). The study results show that the use of both satellite data baseline of 8, 9, 15, and 16 days is quite effective, applying inundation dynamics for 8-49 days. Based on the threshold value of MNDWI > 0.123 and the backscattering coefficient of -19dB are quite efficient to extract satellite data information. The empirical algorithms result in the feature of inundation, especially along the coastal dikes, reservoirs, mangrove ecosystems, and built-up lands. Satellite monitoring results show that the peak of inundation occurred on 30 May 2016 and was still visible on 15 June 2016. The combination of remote sensing methods is quite effective and efficient for monitoring inundation dynamically.Kombinasi baseline data pengindraan jauh sistem aktif dan pasif memiliki banyak keuntungan dalam pemantauan dinamika genangan pesisir. Kedua jenis sensor satelit mengatasi kesenjangan informasi genangan, terutama pada area yang ditutupi awan/bayangan. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji dinamika genangan di wilayah pesisir Jakarta berdasarkan data multi-temporal sensor optik dari Landsat 8 dan Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Sentinel 1A. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan dua algoritma indeks air. Algoritma tersebut yaitu Modified Normalized Difference Water Index (MNDWI) dan Dynamic Surface Water Extent (DSWE) berdasarkan nilai spektral reflektansi dan formula empirik. Metode lainnya adalah menggunakan nilai rata-rata koefisien backscatter air dari analisis polarisasi tunggal Vertikal Vertikal (VV) dan Vertikal Horisontal (VH). Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan kedua tipe data satelit dengan baseline data 8, 9, 15 dan 16 hari cukup efektif memantau dinamika genangan selama 8-49 hari, termasuk area yang tertutup awan dan bayangan. Berdasarkan nilai threshold dari MNDWI >0,123 dan koefisien backscattering air -19dB cukup efisien digunakan untuk mengesktrak informasi data satelit. Algoritma empiris tersebut menghasilkan kenampakan genangan, terutama di sepanjang tanggul pantai, waduk, ekosistem mangrove dan lahan terbangun. Hasil pemantauan satelit menunjukkan bahwa puncak genangan terjadi pada 30 Mei 2016 dan masih terlihat pada 15 Juni 2016. Kombinasi metode pengindraan jauh tersebut cukup efektif dan efisien untuk memantau genangan secara dinamis


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    The ability syariate banking to survive and develop is determined by the ability of the company increased brand emotional bond and loyalty.The purpose of this study is conceptually to develop new theoretical approaches about brand personality and brand emotional bond. The approach also introduced a new variable brand religiosity aura to offer new relationship between brand personality and brand emotional bond.Concept development to build a new concept is the concept of consumer behavior, segmentation and brand. The population in this study are customers saving their money in syariate banking. The samples used were syariate bank customers in at Surabaya, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Bandung, and Jakarta. The study employed purposive sampling and convenience sampling to obtain required respondents. This study distributed questionnaires to 320 respondents worth response rate 100 persen. However only 277 were used because the problem of normality. Eleven hypotheses were developed and tested using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with AMOS software which supported nine hypotheses The results show brand religiosity aura mediates the relationship between brand personality and brand emotional bond. While the result shows that brand personality through brand religiosity aura and brand emotional bond have positive effect on brand loyalty. Brand personality through brand attractiveness and brand emotional bond have positive effect on brand loyalty. Moreover, brand personality through brand attractiveness and brand preferences also have significant positive effect on brand loyalty. Managerial implications promoting the role of moral values, justice and common interest based on the teachings of the religion of Islam and distanced materialistic and consumptive behavior


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    Abstract Business competition between coffee shops in Tangerang is getting stronger as the number of coffee shops in Tangerang increases. So, to survive in this competition, coffee shops are required to have their own characteristics and provide unique services to make it more memorable and enjoyable. In the design of the desktop program ordering Mororgana coffee shop using the waterfall method which consists of analysis, design, coding and testing and entity relationship diagrams in designing databases. The results of this study are allowing customers to view and order menus independently. Customers can order directly without going through a waiter and automatically provide notification to the barista to print the order form. Employees can use the report feature when the owner requests a sales report based on a certain period so that management performance becomes efficient. Keywords: waterfall, information system, ordering program Abstrak Persaingan bisnis antara coffee shop di Tangerang semakin kuat seiring bertambahnya jumlah coffee shop di tangerang. Jadi, untuk tetap bertahan di kompetisi ini, coffe shop dituntut untuk memiliki ciri khas sendiri dan memberikan pelayanan yang unik untuk membuatnya lebih berkesan dan menyenangkan.Dalam perancangan program desktop pemesanan kedai kopi morgana menggunakan metode waterfall yang terdiri dari analisis, desain, pengkodean dan pengujian serta entity relationship diagram dalam merancang database. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah memungkinkan pelanggan untuk melihat dan memesan menu secara mandiri. Pelanggan dapat memesan langsung tanpa melalui pelayan dan secara otomatis menyediakan pemberitahuan ke barista untuk mencetak formulir pemesanan. Pegawai dapat menggunakan fitur laporan saat pemilik meminta laporan penjualan didasarkan pada periode tertentu sehingga kinerja manajemen menjadi efisien. Kata kunci: waterfall, sistem informasi, program pemesana